The Love Story of the ages: The Bible is in many ways an account of the phenomenal love of God to undeserving individuals like you, and especially, me. Here are some questions we might ask;
January Happenings: I was teaching skiing 5-6 days a week through our Christmas/New Year’s rush and I’m now back to 3 days a week. I ‘ve been able to share God’s love with clients and co-workers. Our weekly employee Bible study is small but going well. The Sunday afternoon mountain chapel service has been surprisingly well attended, with up to 2 dozen guests and employees attending. Some local residents have come more than once and are encouraging their friends to attend! Currently, we’re holding a total of three services weekly; one on video, one on the mountain and one in Gunnison. Saturday Night Worship: In spite of a number of our group having to stay away because of COVID-19 concerns, we’ve had some wonderful meetings. Some have shared how the Lord is using them to pray with others and share the gospel. Several have shared testimonies of overcoming alcohol and nicotine issues. In 2020, our little group gave over $41,000 to help “alumni” missionaries and pastors who have been associated with us over the past 52 years! (As you may know, all Saturday Night offerings go to missions.) Evangelical Pastors and Wives Dinner: Lord willing, we will host our annual dinner for local Evangelical Pastors and their wives on February 16th. This is a wonderful time of prayer and building relationships. We anticipate up to 40 to attend including several “alumni” missionary couples still stranded in the US! Finances: By God’s grace, using your faithful prayers and support, we finished 2020 strong. We just received the draft year-end financial statement which showed we were able to send out $27,000 worth of New Testaments and daily devotionals to First Responders around the country. You also helped finance several trailer-loads of donated clothes to be delivered to reservations in the southwest, and help 19 missionary families with retirement and emergency funds. Thank You! First Responder New Testaments and Devotionals: More requests have been coming in ranging from New York to Florida! Please pray the Lord will use each one. Some fire engine manufacturers have asked for Firefighter New Testaments to put in the glove compartment of each apparatus they sell. Family: Thanks to your prayers, all of us remain virus free. Each grandchild is growing and it thrills us to hear them singing Christian songs and sharing Scripture verses. We hope to visit each one when travel restrictions ease. We are truly blessed! Upcoming: Lord willing, we host the Pastors and Wives’ Dinner (2/16), then share in Pitkin CO (5/30), Tin Cup, CO (6/6-our 50th wedding anniversary!), and take some time off at The Billy Graham Training Center near Ashville NC the latter part of July. In between, we have the privilege of conducting a wedding and several memorial services. Prayer Requests: In recent months we’ve had several wonderful friends and mentors “change addresses” and enter heaven. Please pray for the families of Rikki Santarelli, and Ed Yates who have passed into glory. Please pray for those with health issues; Newt, Gene, Dick, Mary Jane, Suzanne, Sally, Jim and Glenda, Rick S, and Mariah. Please also pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to be upon Melva and me as we share, and that my voice will be strong during the winter months preaching and teaching. Thank You! “The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. (James 5:16b AMP) May our God enfold you with His Love, Grace and Mercy, Rick and Melva Barton Comments are closed.
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