In 1998, Don Moen wrote a worship song called, “Think about His love”. Great lyrics, but even a greater thing to do. When is the last time you and I paused to dwell on God’s wonderful love for us?
My morning quiet times are typically spent at a state wildlife area near our home. On days I work at the ski area, I spend the 45-minute drive in prayer, worship and listening to God’s word. Yet, even in those quiet moments, I have to focus my thoughts away from “doing” the ministry to “Think About His Love”. As the Apostle John cries out to us, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” The Apostle Paul adds, “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus put it clearly and simply when He told us, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. “As we celebrate human love this month, may we pause, lift our hands in worship, and think about His wonderful love for us! January Happenings: This month has been a crazy one with opportunities to share with families in their times of need, working through a knee problem, slight Covid episodes and wonderful ministry times at the ski area and Saturday Night Services. I won’t bore you with the details but please know how much we appreciate your daily prayers! I will share one testimony😊. One of our dear friends and Saturday Night attendees ended up in the hospital with a serious intestinal problem. His health has been declining for some time. As we prayed together, he became more alert than he had been in almost a year. He was able to share and pray with his wife and help his family make medical decisions about his care. What a wonderful God we serve! Upcoming: February 15th we sponsor our 10th annual Evangelical Pastors and Wives Dinner. When Rich Townsend, our former associate, and I started these dinners, it was with the intention of gathering evangelical pastors from Gunnison, Lake City and Crested Butte to meet each other, pray together, and especially allow their wives to meet and develop a support network. The first hour is spent in prayer for each other’s families, ministries, our community, and country. The second hour is a catered meal where fellowship occurs. We average 30 in attendance! It’s a real blessing to see how the Lord uses these for His purposes! Your support allows us to do this and so much more. Thank You! On February 17th I teach a fire class for the Crested Butte Volunteer Fire Department where I’m able to pass out firefighter New Testaments, daily devotionals, and my book, “God on the Fireline”. On March 10, I teach the same class for the Gunnison VFD. We have a weekly ski area Bible study and chapel as well. Lord willing, May 29th, we preach in Pitkin CO and Tin Cup CO June 5th and 12th. Thank you for your prayers! Family: Stephen and Joy (Hannah and Bethan) continue to prepare for moving to London where Stephen will be pastoring starting in July. As you can imagine, it’s difficult to leave friends behind and I know they would appreciate your prayers. Nick and Rebekah (Kailani) continue to work in their restaurant outside of Vail and have stayed healthy throughout the pandemic, which is a real blessing. Steve and Annie (Samuel and Abigail) are staying busy with Annie teaching school in Los Angeles and Steve working in video production. Steve is excited with some new projects the Lord has allowed him to be part of at his work. The church they have attended for several years decided to disband and they are seeking the Lord’s new place of service. Tim and Sara (Elizabeth and Sydney) are looking at becoming homeowners which is a challenge in Southern California. Thank you for your prayers for our family! First Responder New Testaments: In January we sent out fire and police New Testaments to West Virginia and Michigan. The Lord continues to allow us to distribute His word! Finances: Jesus said, “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure— pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” (Luke 6:38) We continue to see God’s heart in giving. First, everything we have is from God and entrusted to us as stewards (Matthew 25:14-30). Second, He wants us to be a channel of His resources to those in need. As our friend Ron Blue used to say, “If God can get it through you, He can get it to you!” (2 Corinthians 8:14-15, 9:8). Thirdly, “You can’t outgive God.” 2021 finished very strong even though we gave more support to missionaries, families in need, and First Responder New Testaments and Devotionals than ever before. Thank you for your investment in God’s kingdom through us! Prayer requests:
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.” Rick and Melva Barton Here Are Some Highlights of 2021 The Lord has really blessed this past year! Praise His Name!
You are all a part of all of these “Highlights” through your prayers and financial support, Thank You! Rick Barton Ministries POB 1155 Gunnison CO 81230 (970) 209-8006 |
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