Celebration: As we wrap up our celebration of the Savior’s death and His Glorious resurrection, the temptation is to slip back into life as usual. But wait! How can we? If Jesus has truly risen from the dead, then He is alive now! And if the Father has sent the Holy Spirit, then we have all we need to overcome any obstacle placed in front of us. With boldness we can fulfill our Master’s commission to go into all the world and make disciples! Why then are so many Christians living as if we serve a dead Lord? Why are we intimidated by the world and are “professing Christians but practicing atheists”? Isn’t this a wonderful time for each of us to ask the Holy Spirit to fill us afresh and send us out into the service of our Living Lord!
Over 800 souls! That’s the number of people who have attended the seven funerals I’ve conducted since January 1st of this year. Over 800 souls, many of whom haven’t met our Savior yet. What a blessing it is to show the Lord’s love and share His amazing grace and salvation at these services. March happenings: During March I finished my 48th winter of teaching skiing, helped lead worship for 70 men at the annual High Ground men’s Bible/ski retreat in Beaver Creek CO, conducted two funerals for local residents (one ranching and one military/law enforcement), taught a fire class for a local fire department, shared a devotional with the board of our local pregnancy center, taught our verse by verse study of the book of Mark and led a men’s retreat in Westcliffe, CO. Your prayers and support are the means God uses to allow us to fulfill these wonderful opportunities. Thank You! Let me highlight a couple of these. The military/law enforcement funeral was for a man who approached me after a service I conducted last September. “Rick”, he said, “I want you to do my funeral when I die”. I didn’t see Gene for a few months after that. Upon tracing him down I discovered that he was in the hospital in Grand Junction. Melva and I drove down to see him and confirmed that he was saved and assisted him in recommitting his life to Jesus. Over the next three months we visited him until he entered into glory! Before he passed I asked him what he wanted me to share at his service. “Tell them that Jesus is up there waiting for them” he said. Of course that opened the door to share Gene’s story and request with the 300 law enforcement, military and local residents present. The Westcliffe men’s retreat was a blessing as well. This was the second year I have had the privilege of sharing with these men and it seemed even more special than the first. Barry Ward, much awarded rural and western music recording artist (barrywardmusic.com), once again provided meaningful music and I was able to share five sessions on “Heroes” with pastors and men from several churches in the area. What a wonderful and receptive group of men! SWAT Radio: I’ve been asked to share Thursday, April 27th at 1 PM (MST) on swatradio.com. Please pray and listen in if you can. It’s a show hosted by my Marine/FBI/Evangelist brother Doug McCary. Bibles and Devotionals: Requests continue to come in from around the country for firefighter and police New Testaments and devotionals. Brother Don Biggs in Charlotte NC asked for 100 more New Testaments and 60 devotionals to give to a fire department which recently had two line of duty deaths. A detective in Kentucky asked about getting more for his department and the state division of wildlife. Your support allows us to give away these at no cost to the chaplains and officers requesting them! Family: Rebekah and Nick are starting to slow down after a hectic winter and spring break at their restaurant in Edwards/Vail CO (Zino-a great Italian restaurant). Steve and Annie are preparing for their June baby! Tim and Sara are back into the swing of things at work with Sara. Stephen and Joy (Hannah and Bethan) are working away in Scotland with the girls becoming more beautiful and talented every day! Melva and I are over our minor illnesses and looking forward to summer. Finances: Finances are still stable as we experience the truth of God’s promises. Especially when Jesus says, “Give and it shall be given to you” (Luke 6:38). We know that as we use His resources for His purposes, they will not be lacking! We have been able to minister without charge, give away Bibles and materials and help those in need around us. Las month we were even able to assist evangelists and pastors in Kenya we met through Billy Graham. With your help we were able to send them money for food during the terrible drought and for seed when the rains came! We are currently gathering support to help one of our alumni missionaries with expenses related to their child Vanessa who has severe medical issues. Prayer Requests: Please pray: for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to be upon us as we share, for Vanessa Villasenor and her family that the Lord would heal her, for each of our upcoming meetings, and for the Lord to heal my toe which has a Morton’s Neuroma which requires surgery. Thank You and May the Risen Savior richly bless you!! Rick and Melva Barton HE IS RISEN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAVE THE DATES! We’re beginning our spring tour of services and “Thank You” dinners” Please join us! The meals and meetings are free as our thank you for your prayers and support. We only ask that if you can, let your local host know you’re coming so we can set a plate for you. And bring a friend!
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October 2024
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