This month, I’ve really been impressed with one aspect of Easter. How important is the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ? After all, didn’t He accomplish many wonderful things while He was on earth, before His crucifixion? Didn’t He teach as no man has ever taught? Didn’t He fed thousands from just a few loaves and fishes? Didn’t He do miracles including raising people from the dead? Didn’t He die a horrible death, just to pay the death penalty for our sin? Is it that essential that He actually, physically,rose from the dead on the third day?
The answer is YES! Jesus’ bodily resurrection proved that He had paid our death penalty, defeated sin and conquered death (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). It is so important that the apostle Paul said if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, we are still in our sin, we aren’t saved, we are lost (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)!Cults such as the Jehovah Witnesses deny that Jesus was physically raised, they choose some “spirit emanation”, but Jesus told the disciples to touch His resurrected body and that a spirit didn’t have flesh and bones as He did (Luke 24:39-43). Jesus rose from the dead with a physical, eternal body! He appeared for a period of 40 days to over 500 people and showed Himself alive (Acts 1:3, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8). He walked with them, ate with them, and taught them. His bodily resurrection was the final proof that the debt for our sin was paid in full;that sin, death, and all the powers of hell are defeated! Please join Melva and me in awe-filled worship at the love our God has for us that He would die for us, and rise again! HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY! March Happenings: March was jam-packed with wonderful opportunities to share the risen Savior! Mytime helping lead worship for the High Ground men’s Bible /ski conference was great! I believe the Holy Spirit descended on us in a special way. Our Crested Butte employees Bible study was the strongest it’s been in years, and for 6 weeks I had the privilege of conducting Sunday chapel services on top of one of our ski lifts. This is my 45th winter of teaching skiing at Crested Butte and 50th winter of teaching total. All this on a damaged knee the doctors said would never allow me to ski after high school. What a mighty God we serve! Our Saturday Night Worship services continue strong, as does our men’s breakfasts and West Elk Bible Institute class. We’ve also had the privilege of spending time with several hospice families. Your prayersand support allow us to be here and serve in these areas. Thank you! Alumni workers: Every month we hear reports from people the Lord has sent out from Gunnison. This month we’d ask you to pray specifically for Rick, Paul and Cathy, along with their families who are serving in countries where their lives could literally be in danger. Thank you! Bibles: This month we were able to send 100 firefighter New Testaments to the Ukraine and 100 to Florida. Please pray the Lord will use these to encourage believers and draw the lost to Jesus. Family: Little Kailani (born February 27h) is doing great as are Nick and Rebekah! We can watch her 24/7 by a computer link. Elizabeth, 6-month-old is busy training Tim and Sara the art of parenting, Samuel is a very active 23-month-old in Los Angeles with Steve and Annie, and Hannah and Bethan continue to bless Stephen and Joy in Scotland as they excel in school and the Lord! Melva and I are doing great health-wise and anticipating a short break before our spring ministry trip. Thank you for praying for our family. Upcoming: Melva and I look forward to seeing all of you this spring/summer as we celebrate 50 Years of God’s Faithfulness to RBM (Melva and I celebrate 48 yrs of marriage. I started the ministry before I had the blessing of meeting and marrying her😊! Ministry “Thank You Dinners”:
Finances: “He who waters shall himself be watered” (Proverbs 11:25 NASB). We continue to see the grace of God working through each of you. This year, we’ve already had the privilege of giving away over a thousand fire and police New Testaments, first responder devotionals, and hold Bible studies and chapel services, all without charge. In addition, we have been able to give more support to “alumni missionaries” and benevolence to those in need than ever before. Yet, even as we give away more, the Lord brings in more for us to use in spreading the good news of Jesus. Thank You for being His instruments! Prayers Answered and Requests: Joe Ricks is beginning to walk and was able to minister at Christian Challenge for the first time since Christmas. Granddaughter Elizabeth is gaining weight. Owen Pennington is slowly but surely recovering. Please pray the Holy Spirit’s anointing continues and increases as we share. Please pray for each of the upcoming meetings. Please pray for our strength to match the opportunities the Lord provides. And please continue to pray for the Lord to raise up the right helpers and to bless those already helping! God bless you all! HE IS RISEN!!!!!! Rick and Melva Barton Comments are closed.
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