Have you ever failed in your walk with the Lord and felt it was impossible to return? I have. There have been times in my life when I let my passions or emotions lead me astray. Sometimes out of fear of what others might think. In recent years, a particular passage in the Easter narrative has become very meaningful to me, “and Peter”. It’s found in Mark 16:7. Two women disciples have gone to His tomb on resurrection morning. Jesus’ body is gone! An angel tells them He has risen. The angel says, “But go, tell His disciples and Peter, He is going ahead of you to Galilee…”
Why is that phrase, “and Peter”, so impactful to me? Because Peter did just as you and I have done. He had declared himself a committed follower of Jesus, then, by word and deed, denied Him. Yet, Jesus called Peter by name, not to condemn him but to call him back. Peter, humbled and therefore usable, returned, and served his Lord until his death as a martyr 33 years later. March happenings: March is one of the busiest times of the year for Melva and me. The ski area is crowded for spring break, and I instruct almost every day. In addition, I teach a nighttime forest fire safety class for the Crested Butte Fire Department, hold our weekly Mountaintop chapel services, an employee Bible Study, a systematic theology class, lead our Saturday night worship services, and help lead worship at the High Ground Men’s Bible-ski retreat. By the grace of God, they all were well attended and very blessed! Thank you for your faithful prayers! A tale of two saints: Two 95-year-old saints, Ann B in TX and Marie S in CO are still actively serving our Savior! Ann is distributing firefighter New Testaments and devotionals and Marie is still leading a Bible study for neighborhood ladies. (Deut. 34:7) What wonderful examples! Finances: Scott Houser, our RBM Board Treasurer, reports that our 2022-year end financial statement showed many areas of blessing, both in what we received, and what we were able to give away. Thanks to your generous support. We were able to send gifts to 21 “alumni” missionaries, pastors of small churches, and widows of missionaries. Several years ago, it came to our attention that many pastors of small churches and missionaries were not able to set aside adequate retirement or emergency savings. We felt the Lord leading us to share with them a portion of our cup of blessings specifically for that purpose. You have helped retired missionary widows pay property taxes, and others deal with emergency repairs, medical needs and more. They join us in saying “Thank You!” Upcoming: Lord Willing! April 17: Colorado Springs ministry update dinner: Mimi’s 7133 N. Academy, 6pm, please contact Cliff and Sandra Ellis (719) 233-7716 to RSVP. April 22: Oklahoma Ministry update dinner: Johnnies Hamburgers, 1 PM. 33 E. 33rd, Edmond OK April 23-28: Guthrie, OK, Abell Community Church, 6 days of Special Services. May 28: Pitkin Community Church June 4: Tincup Community Church July 9: Sargents Community Church September 3: Tincup Community Church First Responder New Testaments and Devotionals: During March we received requests from TX, PA, and NY chaplains for more copies to be distributed! Praise the Lord. Family: Stephen and Joy (Hannah and Bethan) are adjusting to life in London and really appreciate your prayers, especially for a vehicle. Nick and Rebekah (Kailani) are headed for a break in HI in between their busy winter and summer seasons at their restaurant. Kai (4) loves her ski lessons. Steve and Annie (Samuel and Abigail) are staying busy with Steve doing freelance video work and helping lead worship in church, while Annie teaches school. Samuel (5) is enjoying reading, and his teacher is excited at his progress! Tim and Sara (Elizabeth and Sydney) are loving their new home in Menifee, CA. Tim is working in online sales and Sara as an accounting supervisor. Thank you for praying for our family! Prayer Requests: Please pray for the Holy Spirit’s comfort to be with the families of Bruce J., Mary Bess, and Susan D. who have recently passed away. Please pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit as we share locally and around the country. Please continue to pray for healing of Melva’s blood clots and her thumbs which have arthritis. Please pray for Rick’s voice to regain full strength, and for the Lord’s direction on the best treatment for his knees. With all praise to our Risen Lord Jesus, and a big thanks to all of you, Rick and Melva Barton Comments are closed.
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